AI 4 Education

We developed a set of tools to run daily competitions in our AI courses. Students rely on an improved version of that from Berkley AI Pacman framework. They use search algorithms, Planning Domain Description Language (PDDL), classical replanning, minimax, reinforcement learning, and other approaches for their autonomous Pacman agents. In the course Capture the Flag project, the objective is to get home as much food as possible and prevent the other team to do so!

The code to run the competitions have been adapted over different games. This project has been developed over the years in collaboration with Dr. Nir Lipovetzky (Melbourne University).

Every year, the top performers from both uni make it to the Hall of Fame and compete for the glory!

Sebastian Sardina
Sebastian Sardina
Professor in Artificial Intelligence

My research falls in the intersection between knowledge representation for reasoning about dynamic systems (reasoning about action and change), automated planning and reactive synthesis, and agent-oriented programming.
